Offspeed Volleyball Parent Team
Parent code of conduct
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character.”
We expect PARENTS to:
Encourage their child’s participation in sport, support club and the team by encouraging sportsmanship and by showing respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice and other sporting events
Encouraging their son/daughter to focus on team play and coaching advice, rather than on parental feedback
Learn about the rules and strategies of volleyball, so that they are informed spectators
Remind their child that doing one’s best is just as important as winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance. The Offspeed way is either we win or we learn – both are extraordinarily positive.
Support the decisions made by the coach during games and practices. Any disagreements will be brought to the attention of the coach(es) through the proper channels, according to Offspeed Volleyball policy.
Communicating with Coaches
Our parent team is welcome to communicate with coaches when their athlete son/daughter is unable to provide them with sufficient details surrounding their question(s)/concern(s). We like our parent team to:
Encourage their sons/daughters to work out volleyball-related issues directly with their coach before enlisting parental assistance. The ability to resolve issues on one’s own is a beneficial life skill.
Attend competitions so they can develop a love for the game, understand the skills that it requires and gauge their son/daughter’s progress.
Conflict Resolution Plan
Step One:
Athlete speaks to the coach.
If this does not resolve the issue,
Step Two:
Parent may ask to speak to the coach but must respect the following guidelines:
Not at a competition
Must wait 24 hours from when it became an issue and asking to meet with the coach
Must be face to face; email only used to request a meeting
It is preferred that the coaches are given an opportunity to reflect on the issue before they are asked to respond.
If the issue is not resolved with the coach then the parent has the option of providing, in writing, documentation of the issue which will be sent to the Club Director. The Club Director, will determine what action will be taken from there if any.​​